Get information on Discovery High School in Colorado Springs, CO including enrollment, state testing assessments and student body breakdown.
Coronado High School is 1 of 11 high schools in the Colorado Springs School District No. 11 In The County of E. Coronado High School 2024 Rankings Coronado High School is ranked #6,556 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performa...
Cheyenne Mountain Junior High School is a highly rated, public school located in COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. It has 611 students in grades 7-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 17 to 1. According to state test scores, 59% of students are at least proficient in math and 74% in reading. Compare...
K - 5Academy School District No. 20 in the County of EL Paso An 15280 Jessie Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80921 Tel:(719) 234-4100 7 7out of 10 GreatSchools Rating 284 Students 12: 1 Students : Teacher Student to teacher ratio of12to 1 ...
(2005). School Choice in Colorado Springs: The Relationship Between Parental Decisions, Location and Neighbourhood Characteristics. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 14(2), 92-111.
科罗拉多州CO -科泉市Colorado Springs School科罗拉多长春中学是一所私立走读, 男女混合学校。 具有音乐课程, 视觉艺术课程, 高尔夫课程, 山地的。学校亮点:Niche.com选为科罗拉多州***私立学校;出色的地理环境,学生可以参加山地骑行、滑雪等丰富的户外活动;开设14
The Colorado Springs School 科罗拉多温泉中学 科罗拉多温泉学校是科罗拉多温泉唯一一所招收国际学生的大学预科走读学校,为从PreK到high school的学生提供服务。学校坐落在一个28英亩的校园里,有八座建筑,包括几座具有历史意义的建筑。科罗拉多温泉学校是一所大学预科、全日制国际学校,为从幼儿园到高中的学生提供服务。
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4)- Schools in Colorado Springs have hit a roadblock in their plans to charge students $1 each time they ride the bus -- not enough students are signing up for rides. The Falcon District 49 school board voted earlier this year to switch to a fee-for-service...
Colorado Springs,Colorado Colorado Springs, located at an elevation of 6,035 feet, sits at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The city is known for its proximity to Pikes Peak, a towering 14,114-foot peak in Pike National Forest, which offers hiking trails and a scenic ...