HSC 2024 School Rankings NSW schools ranked by their students' performance in the 2024 HSC. Note: This list does not include schools with fewer than 100 HSC entries Search by school name or scroll the list. Ranking order 2024SchoolNameRanking Percent 2024*Ranking order 2023Ranking Percent 2023Ch...
School Name Total Credits Yr 12 Students TotalAttempts 2007 Success Rate 2006 Total Credits 2006 Attempts 2006 Success rate 1. James Ruse Agricultural High School 804 167 1093 73.56% 737 1133 65% 2. North Sydney Girls High School 625 161 1054 59.30% 493 1047 47% 3. Sydney Girls High Sch...
Classified staff will now have a minimum base pay of $16 per hour. This all comes as the district hopes to present a balanced budget to the board of trustees in June, which would be a first in nearly a decade. The district said it is looking at federal funding known as theElementary ...