🎓 Earn a degree in Natural, Holistic & Integrative Medicine with Quantum University. Self paced learning by world renowned teachers. Learn more.
All courses are accredited by ‘International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine’ (IPHM). You will receive a practitioner certificate, which will allow you to obtain insurance, and to practise. All our courses are run in the comfort of my therapy room at ‘Wholeistic & Feathers’in Louth . ...
Our training includes access to all the courses, materials, and tools needed in order to open one’s own healing practice. We also provide career training, often with job placement referrals, for new graduates. Become a Holistic Health Practitioner HLIL offers a comprehensive selection of modaliti...
Thanks you for the foundational information you provided in such a short time and for helping me down a new, exciting journey of wellness and health for myself and my family. I truly believe this will enrich my knowledge and education especially with a holistic approach to medicine! As a nu...
Self-Heal School has been teaching holistic education since 1985. Located in San Diego, our interactive hybrid courses meet online and in-person.
She has steered the school’s focus toward bioregional herbalism from its onset and is now shepherding it towards holistic herbalism and social justice. Leading the school is her biggest inspiration for personal growth, and the enterprise serves as fertile ground for economic activism. Juliet abhors...
“I thoroughly enjoyed theHerbal Consulting Diploma Programand have a great deal of respect for the balanced and ethical approach that Dominion Herbal College has to herbal medicine; they have combined traditional/holistic herbal medicine and modern science so as to get the most out of both worlds...
学员接受完整课程培训后,可依规定申请办理国际整体暨自然医学学会( International Holistic and Nature Medicine Association,简称(IHNMA)核发之「国际波拉克舞动治疗师」 (Polak Therapist) 国际认证资格。(自愿申请,证书费1500元/人另付。其申请要求:证书申请表、心得调查表、波拉克疗法试卷、身份证正反面扫描件/拍照) ...
The term “holistic” means truly taking into consideration all the aspects of the applicant, not just the ones they want to put forward while hiding others. Demonstrating respect, taking responsibility for one’s own missteps without blaming others and looking for theright fitshow humility...
I sought out a balanced and professional program. It was an easy decision to select the Chestnut Herbal Immersion Program. While enrolled, I gained new appreciation and knowledge about plants I've worked with for years, confidence and skills to create my own medicines, and a holistic, organic...