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This day was no different. We stopped at Chick-fil-A, a bit of a treat for us, and ate inside.The dental hygienist’s work was in vain as they ordered nuggets, fries and sodas. My girls were makeup free, as usual, in normal jeans/yoga pants and tee-shirts, hair pulled back in ...
so we have designed our facility and procedures with your comfort and ease in mind. Regardless of your reason for visiting, you can rest assured that everyone at Brookschool Dental Care, from our front office staff to our hygienists and dentists, will make sure that your dental treatment is...
Kids: I have a wonderful boy named Bryce-15, born in 1993. He loves to fly planes (for real) and play video games. He wants to be a pilot and plans on leaving this country to go to Germany when he graduates. He is nothing like me and everything like me. We share the same pers...