sir, I am intended to start cbse syllabus school in city of Mysore, Karnataka. I need academic and other technical guidance. I have already procured 2 acre land and soon going to start construction as per cbse requirements. I need guidance in creating infrastructure, curriculum, and other acad...
Peace and Education in 2019, Lifetime member of Mysore Yoga Association and currently serving as President of Mysore Yoga Association, Yoga Visharada award by Mysore Yoga Association in 2015, Yoga Bushana award by Himalaya Yoga Foundation in 2014, Yoga Siri award by Government of Karnataka in ...
Peace and Education in 2019, Lifetime member of Mysore Yoga Association and currently serving as President of Mysore Yoga Association, Yoga Visharada award by Mysore Yoga Association in 2015, Yoga Bushana award by Himalaya Yoga Foundation in 2014, Yoga Siri award by Government of Karnataka in ...