In a March 2020 piece, the Times wrote, "More and more schools have chosen to close in the past few days, reflecting a growing consensus that the benefits of closings outweigh the harms, especially since many of the harms can be mitigated." It added, "The immediate g...
We found the publication on "COVID Related School Closings and Risk of Weight Gain Among Children" to be interesting.1 Rundle et al. noted that "we anticipate that the COVID pandemic will likely double out﹐f﹕chool time this year for many children in the U.S. and will exacerbate the ...
That has been in large part due to the amazing efforts of all of our FnF families and their conscientious diligence in monitoring their family’s health so as to insure we are all as protected as possible. In an effort to continue to work together around health, we request all families do...
While it is a priority to mitigate its immediate impact, we want to call attention to the pandemic's longer‐term effect on children's health: COVID, via these school closures, may exacerbate the epidemic of childhood obesity and increase disparities in obesity risk. In many areas of the U...
Of course, the federal government of Ethiopia has paid attention but the COVID-19 epidemic has made immunization efforts much more challenging. Ethiopia started a vaccination campaign in 2021 for girls who missed one or both doses due to school closings. Ethiopia advises HPV immunization for ...
medianet_height = "90"; School districts are announcing closures, delays, or remote learning for students due to icy roads. VIRTUAL LEARNING TODAY (3/2/2023) STARTING AT 10 AM, Opening at 10 a.m. Online classes held as scheduled. Medical Closings. Have a question or problem with WTOP'...
School Suspensions: Pros, Cons, and Ways to Improve The Cons of Homeschooling, According to a Homeschool Mom How to Decide Whether to Homeschool: Pros and Cons What Is the Purpose of IQ Testing in the Public School Setting? Homeschool Math Curriculum Review...
Today, due to COVID-19, many historic house museums are closed to the public. Scroll through the list to visit architect Frank Lloyd Wright's masterwork, newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst's castle, and one of the last surviving sod homes in the Great Plains—without leaving the ...
It’s summer and the U.S. is settingworld records in Covidoutbreaks. Politicians like President Trumpdiscredit scienceand Betsy DeVos makesfalse equivalencies, comparing the risk of riding a bike to purposefully putting students in danger due to Covid. They depersonalize our children to rates. ...
It was Colorado Rocky Mountain high for the CSAA Annual conference for 2022…the theme…Westward Ho, Back to School We Go! Conference Coordinators Christy Nelson and Liz Ferris hampered by two COVID cancellations, got the job done this year with a beautifully orchestrated gathering of attendees ...