near misses and tragedies was enough for one group of parents to create a solution to the growing problem of distracted and irresponsible driving around buses. In 2023, BusGates designed and created stop arm extensions, that not only significantly enhance school bus visibility, but also act as ...
End of school near, but many events still on scheduleMary Steele
It’s easy to stray from the normal bedtime schedule during the summer, but Quintana says it’s important to adjust to waking up earlier and going to bed sooner before the first day of school. Quintana suggests putting children to bed 10 or 15 minutes earlier each night until the...
Several weeks ago I had put a reminder on my calendar, to ask/remindcivilized Americanslike-minded friends to wear a black armband on 1/20/25. I’ve donned that symbol of bereavement when my father died, when John Lennon was murdered, and on a few select occasions when I thought a vis...
Schools near hydraulic fracking sites have to deal with an influx of students – and without additional resources.
SUMMER & FALL 2025 SCHEDULE REQUESTS Due to the accelerated push for scheduling out there in the “world” around us, we need to send this out a bit earlier than the previous year. Please fill out your request for Summer/Fall 2025 and return to us by WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22nd. If you ha...
Find a ChildLight school near you to learn more or to schedule a tour.The Children’s School 404-873-6985 345 10th St. NE, Atlanta 30309 3 Years-Grade 8Tour: Feb. 11, 9:30 a.m. Visit The Children’s School Admissions for more information or to register.The Cottage School 770-641...
and vibrant culture of Zanzibar. You will live in a private volunteer house near the coastal village of Kizimkazi and work with local communities and organizations to protect the marine ecosystem. This is a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact while enjoying a truly amazing location....
Where do I take my road test? At a DMV road test site. How do I schedule a road test? You can hire that service from a driving school. You can schedule it yourself through the NYSDMV. Road test appointments are typically available in a range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks ...
Students needing a flexible schedule are often drawn to online high schools, experts say. Cole ClaybournFeb. 20, 2024 Attending an Online High School Get good rest, prioritize questions that have answers you know and take advantage of breaks, experts say. Cole ClaybournFeb. 13, 2024 How to ...