followed by the central office of boards of education in Ontario in the process of making policy decisions; the size of the central office staff responsible for administering the edcuational system; the changes that have occurred in the organizational structures of school boards in the past ten ...
该指南按省划分,逐一罗列该省所有地区教育局明细,包括,教育资源、教育特色、课程设置。各省的公立中学由该省政府归分为不同的学区,由该学区的教育局(District School/ Boards) 直接管理。例如,多伦多教育局(TDSB, Toronto District School Board)管理辖下的所有中学,温哥华公立教育局(VDSB, Vancouver District School ...
Taylor, A. (1995), ``Glass ceilings and stone walls: employment equity for women in Ontario school boards'', Gender & Education, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 123-41.Taylor, A. (1995). Glass ceilings and stone walls: Employment equity for women in ontario school boards. Gender and Education,...
网络安省公立教育局协会 网络释义 1. 安省公立教育局协会 在基秦拿-滑铁卢选区,安省新民主党已经确定安省公立教育局协会(Ontario Public School Boards Association)会长菲飞(Ca…|基于 1 个网页
Define separate school. separate school synonyms, separate school pronunciation, separate school translation, English dictionary definition of separate school. n. Canadian A publicly funded primary or secondary school that offers instruction in a specifi
Women continue to be underrepresented in administrative positions within the education system in Ontario, Canada, despite the existence of employment equity policy for women for 20 years. However, while government reports present statistical data to monitor policy progress, little research has been conduc...
(2)当地的教育局(Local School Boards): 安省的学院(Ontario Colleges):…|基于83个网页 2. 当地教育局 继续教育课程由当地教育局(local school boards)(1)、学院(colleges)(2)和大学(universities)(3)为社区中的成人提供...
Presents ethnographic analyses of two school boards which are characterized by their decision-making processes. One is described as elite (conflict exists between the board and the dominant need of the public), the other as arena (representative segments of the public conflict with one another). ...
摘要: This paper reports on the results produced by a recent study concerned with the optimal size of school and school board in Ontario. (Editor/RK)关键词: Boards of Education Costs Educational Finance Educational Research Expenditure per Student School Size Secondary Schools Tables (Data 年份: ...
While mathematics results are generally stable relative to last year’s, many students across Ontario are meeting the provincial standard, or are very close to meeting the provincial standard. Several English- and French-language school boards across Ontario saw significant gains in ...