"Crank" had been checked out 104 times at Kelly Walsh and Natrona County high schools, and "Fallout" was checked out 29 times at the schools, according to the March 23 memo. (Trustee Mary Schmidt later said "Fallout" was checked out 32 times from Kelly Walsh and Natrona County high sc...
Mar3rd Special Session Board of Trustee Meeting 6:00PM-8:00PM Administration Building Mar14th All Early Release all day Mar17th Spring Break all day Rockwall ISD Education Foundation Gives More Than $32K in Grants to Teachers and Staff
-Matt Gournay, Lovejoy ISD School Trustee Is Lovejoy's approach paying off? Undoubtedly. - Julie James & Matt Gournay Julie James and Matt Gournay, then LISD School Board candidates published the below graph which fooled the public giving the illusion of rising performance in the district....
Argyle ISD School Board Board of Trustees Board Meeting Dates Elections Meeting Agendas & Minutes Board Meeting Videos Board Meeting Recordings Board Operating Procedures Public Forum Transcripts & Responses School Board Policy Legislative Priorities Legislative Updates HB3 Board Goals Trustee Disclosure Stateme...
The election for three positions on the Spring Branch ISD Board of Trustees is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2025. Candidate registration for this election has closed. Candidates running for Trustee Position 5, listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot are Diana Martinez Ale...
Redwood City School Board 2020 Dear Friends, I ran unopposed for the November 2020 election for the Redwood City School District, Trustee Area 1 so I will continue to serve our great community for another four years without the need for an election. I am now able to fully concentrate on th...
this trustee area also includes the region just north of West End Road (North Bank Road, Glendale Drive, Essex Lane, Timmons Lane) to Fieldbrook Road on the eastern side. To determine which trustee area you live in, use the interactive map developed by the District at http://arcg.is/mH...
On Facebook, Trustee Chelsea Kelly weighed in. She said she and Trustee Joni Shaw Smith hope the board will pause this process and establish an orderly, transparent approach. "The board has only had one closed session meeting about it, and this was the first time I heard about it,...
In a letter sent to OUSD on Tuesday, Alameda County Superintendent of Schools Alysse Castro said if the district's board doesn't take action by June, OUSD would not only run out of money but could again end up under the supervision of a state trustee and lose its ability to make ...
Just two weeks after an East San Jose school board member quit, the board has chosen a replacement – and it’s a familiar face. After two hours of deliberation, Andrea Flores Shelton was named the Alum Rock Union School District’s newest trustee at a special board meeting Monday night. ...