SCHOOL Based Apprenticeships are a flexible school program allowing students to effectively combine an apprenticeship or traineeship while studying for their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and/or Overall Position (OP) score.School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) also provide ...
The survey was carried out in the three Australian States with the highest numbers of school-based apprentices and trainees, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. The paper commences with a description of the nature of school-based apprenticeships and a description of their introduction and rapid...
In examining decision-making processes, the study paid particular attention to the influence of Career Advisers, the uptake and reception of Vocational Education and Training in schools, attitudes to traditional trades and school-based New Apprenticeships, and current thinking about teaching as a career...
workshops and is a CTP mentor. She advises on soil improvement plans and offers support to implement them. Tanja is also affiliated with the Botanical Garden of the TU-Delft. She uses her knowledge and experience to help farmers switch from a chemical-based approach to a biological one, using...
1996, A study of the destinations of school leavers from schools on the Atherton Tablelands North Queensland, Of ce of Labour Market Adjustment, Department of Employment, Education and Training and Youth Affairs, with the assistance of the Tableland School Support Centre, Atherton, North Queensland...
The survey was carried out in the three Australian States with the highest numbers of school-based apprentices and trainees, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. The paper commences with a description of the nature of school-based apprenticeships and a description of their introduction and rapid...