The 2024 Yoto Carnegies competition in younger readers books rolls out longlists in writing and illustration. Winners expected on June 20. 1 2 3 ... 8 → SUBSCRIBE Sign up to get our FREE email edition, Monday to Friday!SUBSCRIBE » Browse Popular Topics Audiobooks Authors Bestsellers Boo...
From The New York Public Library: The New York Public Library has partnered with publishers Hachette Book Group, Macmillan Publishers, and Scholastic to offer a selection of commonly banned books to anyone in the country via its free e-reading app SimplyE. The e-books will be available beginni...
Robust Ordering Capabilities Create, share, and order from online quotes. Flexible payment methods: credit card, purchase order, or bill me later. Create a Quote Tax-Free Take advantage of your district or school’s tax-exempt status. Learn How...
This free discussion guide for The Parker Inheritance includes activities and resources to address important topics and increase engagement with the text. After reading these books, have your students imagine what they would do if they were in a certain character’s shoes. Ask them how t...
These My Books Summer packs will empower you to create summer reading experiences for your students at great savings. This one-of-a-kind, effective learning solution can help ensure your students stay on track for success during the summer months. More than 75 pe...
100年 来,学乐始终致力于发展广大儿童及青少年素养教育,学乐的宗旨是“帮助儿童及青少年更好地阅读和学习”。 学乐集团 成就未来 学乐集团自2005年进驻中国, 携手专业的教育学者,为广大儿童及青少年打造综合性 素养学习课程。课程根据每个年龄段孩子的特点,习惯 和接受能力,采用小班制和循序渐进的方法,让孩子们 与...
George Boole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia file:///C: ... George Boole's work as first Professor ofMathematics in University College, LlewellynClaire; PhillipsA.; Norton
Type:Epub+TxT+PDF+Mobi Create Date:2022-03-04 10:51:37 Update Date:2025-03-02 Status:finish Author:Scholastic Inc. ISBN:1338794345 Environment:PC/Android/iPhone/iPad/Kindle Download Summary Peppa learns about and celebrates St。 Patrick's Day in this original 8x8 storybool。 Includes a specia...
Scholastic Corp is an American publishing and education media company that focuses on books and educational material for schools, teachers, parents, and children. It creates print, digital, and audiobooks, learning materials and programs, classroom magazines, and other products that support children's...
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