Karnataka scholarships– Karnataka, renowned as an educational hub in the country, boasts a vast network of primary and secondary schools. With a significant student population, the state provides ample opportunities for scholarships to support Karnataka students. The government, subsidiary departments, an...
Meritorious girl students who have secured admission to the first year of graduation programs in the academic year 2024-25 in institutes of repute like NIRF/NAAC accredited for professional graduation degrees like Engineering, MBBS, BDS, Integrated LLB (5 Years), B.Sc. Nursing, B. Pharmacy, In...
For students who are currently enrolled in or accepted to a full-time degree program at a school MPOWER supports. Apply Now Women in STEM Scholarship Deadline:June 30, 2025 Awards:US$1,000 – US$6,000 For women in STEM fields who are currently enrolled in or accepted to a full-time ...
Danish Education Trust(R)To Karnataka students studying in the following courses in Karnataka: Law, Journalism, Economics or Students appearing for II year PUC and Karnataka CET 2008, seeking admission to 1st year BE & MBBS courses. Danish Educational Trust No. 85, Sheriff House, Richmond Road,...
The interest subsidy under the Scheme is available to the eligible students whose annual gross parental family income is not more than Rs. 4.5 lack per year (from all sources) and is provided only once, either for the first undergraduate degree course or the post graduate degrees / diplomas ...
This scholarship is open to international graduate students with Chinese citizenship admitted to, or enrolled in, a full-time degree program at a U.S. or Canadian school that MPOWER supports. You must be permitted to legally study in the U.S. or Canada, as applicable: ...
Orange Tulip Scholarship Purpose: The Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) is intended for students from several Neso countries who want to study in the Netherlands. At Maastricht University the OTS grants are available for certain faculties combined win certain Neso countries. Eligibility: 1. You have ...
NTSE Scholarship 2024- NCERT awards NTSE Scholarship to class 10 students for pursuing course in science and social science. And, award to 2000 students who clear both Stage 1 and 2 examinations.
Orange Tulip Scholarship Purpose: The Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) is intended for students from several Neso countries who want to study in the Netherlands. At Maastricht University the OTS grants are available for certain faculties combined win certain Neso countries. Eligibility: 1. You have ...
Student must have 75% attendance in the academic year For SC/ST,family’s annual income must be ₹2 lakh or less For OBC,family’s annual income must be ₹1 lakh or less Post-matric Scholarship for Backward Classes Students Students must be domiciles of Karnataka and belong to Backward...