2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 extensions/mlava/semantic-scholar.json Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ "tags": ["semantic scholar", "academia", "academic", "journal articles"], "source_url": "
a learned scholar饱学之士; a man of learning饱学之士; bookman饱学之士; 学者; 文人; <俗>出版商; 词组短语 医治者/饱学之士JASON 双语例句 1. The eggheads at the university know nothing about business. 大学的饱学之士对做生意一窍不通。
Mark Google Scholar Papers as Read This extension allows you to mark Google Scholar papers as "read."It also provides the capability to export all read articles into a text file with a single click on the extension's icon.该扩展允许你将 Google Scholar 论文标记为 "已读"。点该扩展的图标,将...
_includes _layouts _posts _publications _sass assets .gitignore .gitlab-ci.yml Gemfile _config.yml forty_jekyll_theme.gemspec publication.mdBreadcrumbs ucrscholar / Latest...
2020 Books Read Find me onGoodreads What it means when I give a book 5 stars Mybook postshere at Snoring Scholar Currently Reading The Cricket on the Hearth, by Charles Dickens (fiction) A Newman Reader, by John Henry Newman December
Like many literary scholars today, Kirk Read has added works of lesser or no special standing to the canonical literary works once deemed to have the literary merit worthy of study. These include the work of Catherine and Madeleine des Roches, Les Serees, and...
The easy-to-read booklets initially were developed for newly diagnosed patients; however, the society has learned that all patients with cancer are likely to benefit from the information at some point in their journeys. To date, the society has developed easy-to-read bookle...
My favorite picks of my 2018 reading are highlighted here and also indicated in bold below. Find me on Goodreads What it means when I give a book 5 stars My book posts here at Snoring Scholar January Looking for the King (Inklings #1), by David C. Downin
Robinson, PeterHoover Digest: Research & Opinion on Public Policy