on applied and theoretical researches that boost understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral psychological phenomena. Those psychological phenomena can be in individual, group, work, private and public sectors. The journal publishes several types of articles such as unique ...
‘Behavioural Transport’, and it seeks to publish articles that focus on the role of investors, managers, and entrepreneurs’ psychology in the decision making process. The journal helps us to understand ‘why’ and ‘how’ behavioural economic agents make sub-optimal decisions, which can explain...
presidentofCarnegieMellon University,hewasoftenaskedtoopenconferencesatthe universitywiththecustomarypresidentialplatitudesof welcome.Onatleastonesuchoccasion,ataconference onorganizationaleconomics,whenitcametimeforDick tomakehisharmlesspresidentialwelcomingremarks,he deliveredanhour-longprofessionalpaper,completewith ...
Recently, a study conducted by Hartley [7] examines the citation of recently reviewed articles published in applied linguistics and verifies the lack of overlap between references of studies focusing on the four communicative macroskills, despite listing one or two papers where the overlap occurs. ...