The Effect of Major Depressive Disorder and Antidepressants on Glycometabolism in Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology September 09, 2024 Short-Term Association Between Air Pollution and Infectious Disease Spectrum in Shanghai, China: A Time...
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laska Native communities depend on customary and traditional use of natural resources for physical, emotional and cultural sustenance, and community members are concerned about threats to local ecosystems posed by logging, mining, overharvesting, invasive species, fresh and marine water pollution, and cl...
PUR data enable regulators, researchers and other stakeholders to examine fine-scale spatial and temporal patterns in pesticide usage and their potential negative effects on the environment and human health. Their investigations have generated over 500 scholarly articles in the scientific and medical ...
(but ultimately succumb to) natural forces. Sacred buildings often frame constellations and cosmic events. The range and nature of architecture is dependent on local or precious materials. Their remains are palimpsests of human encounters, repeated erosion, personal habits, human-caused pollution, and...
In the following viewpoint, Gordon Clark and Mary Booth point out that although biomass energy has been promoted as environmentally friendly, new and proposed biomass power plants emit just as much pollution and carbon dioxide as those using fossil fuels, sometimes even more. The arguments favoring...
Electric motorcycles are similar to gasoline-powered but have zero local tailpipe emissions and operate solely on battery power [9]. Hence, electric motorcycles offer potential air pollution reductions and energy efficiency and can be a strategy to improve the environmental performance of the ...
The Effect of Major Depressive Disorder and Antidepressants on Glycometabolism in Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology September 09, 2024 Short-Term Association Between Air Pollution and Infectious Disease Spectrum in Shanghai, China: A Time...