Our esteemed Editorial board includes Editors - in - chief and the editors who provides their valuable decision on the manuscripts without any discrimination. Register Register as reviewer Reviewers perform a speedy review (within 09 days) which helps in the quick publication process. Register Late...
Furthermore, there is a wide spread of Lack of Independence of the Judiciary, Partiality amongst Judicial Officers, Discrimination especially against Women, and lack of respect for the fundamental human rights of the citizens of the State. Additionally, the persistent breach of the rights of citizen...
Indicate the metric used to evaluate the performance of the algorithms, including bias, discrimination, calibration, reclassification, and others as appropriate. Indicate the methods used to address missing data. Indicate institutional review board/ethics review, approval, waiver, or exemption. Describe m...
Access must be ensured without discrimination,Footnote85 for example, on the ground of economic situation (and, as we know, high subscription fees or APCs ultimately impact especially access by poorer communities). ‘[O]pen source publication of research’ is to be promoted, and ‘[r]esearch ...
More Articles Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Black Americans Bleich, Sara N., et al. "Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of Black Americans."Health Services Research, vol. 54, no. 6, Dec. 2019, p. 1399+.Gale Academic OneFile Select, www.gale.com. ...
This essay surveys the current framework of scholarly publishing and it examines the shift from the long lasting paradigm sometime denoted as Restricted Access (RA) to the recently emerged model of the Open Access. This change does not only imply a chang
However, many types of bullying behavior are covered under existing federal-level harassment and discrimination laws. Schools can be found legally responsible for student conduct if bullying is based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, or a physical or mental disability. As ...
About Edward Ivan Cueva. Air and Space Law. Antitrust and Trade Regulation. Banking and Finance Law. Civil Rights and Discrimination. Comparative and Foreign Law. Dispute Resolution and Arbitration. Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law. Food and Drug Law. Health Law and Policy. Indian and ...
Centralization has introduced knowledge discrimination, as publishers are able to influence who can access scholarly knowledge, what gets published, and allows for other single points of failure to arise with their own consequences (e.g., censorship; https://perma.cc/HDX8-DJ8F). In order to ...
Finally, let us also be aware of the geopolitical impact that such systematic discrimination has on knowledge production, and the inclusion and representation of marginalized research demographics within the global research landscape. This is particularly important when platforms such as Web of Science ...