Schneider Electric Global. As a global specialist in energy management and automation in more than 100 countries, we offer integrated energy solutions across multiple market segments.
Schneider Electric Global. As a global specialist in energy management and automation in more than 100 countries, we offer integrated energy solutions across multiple market segments.
Schneider Electric Global. As a global specialist in energy management and automation in more than 100 countries, we offer integrated energy solutions across multiple market segments.
Discover Schneider Electric Insights on Sustainability, Electricity 4.0, and Next-generation automation. These three issues are the core of our brand. Dive deeper into these topics to better understand our actions and motives. Explore ourInsights...
Schneider,法国家电电器品牌,由Schneider兄弟成立,隶属于施耐德消费者知识产权管理公司(SCHNEIDER CONSUMER IP)。品牌历史 1931年:仅25岁的雅克·施耐德就开始在巴黎工作,开发自己的TSF设备。他的弟弟萨沙随后也加入了他的工作,于是这自学成才的二人组开始了一个冒险。1934,Scneider品牌专注于TSF,创造了Pygmee收音...
Schneiderpatted the girl patronizingly on the cheek. 施奈德拍了拍那个女孩的脸颊,一副优越屈尊的样子。 柯林斯例句 S . Halford , and a superb teaching assistant, R.Schneider. 哈尔福德, 还有一位出色的教学助理R. 施奈德. 互联网 Of most concern to Dr.Schneider, however, was her left temporal lob...
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