Schmersal UK Ltd. Malvern/Great Britain Schmersal Belgium NV/SA Aarschot/Belgium Schmersal Finland Vantaa/Finland Schmersal Italia s.r.l. Borgosatollo/Italy Schmersal Japan KK. ...
60 COUNTRIES With subsidiaries and sales offices in around 60 countries, Schmersal ensures that man and machine work together safely all over the world. 2,000 employees With more than 2,000 employees, we work every day to create pioneering safety solutions. ...
Productions :machines and equipments miscellaneous and accessories steel tube,valves, pumps, compressors, equipments hydraulic and pneumatic compressed air hose,directional valve,hose,rotary valve, Telephone:551532639800 Fax No.:551532639899 Location:av brasil, 815 - jd esplanada,galpao,boituva,sp,18550000,...