Schmersal Newsletter STAY UP TO DATE Sign up for our newsletter and receive all information about news, trade fair dates and new products directly in your mailbox. Subscribe to the newsletter OUR SAFETY WEBSHOPVisit now FIND YOUR CONTACT PERSON...
The Schmersal Group is one of the international market leaders in the field of machine safety. We are present in more than 60 countries with seven production sites on three continents as well as our own companies and sales partners. Schmersal has special industry expertise in many fields of app...
This section keeps you up to date on awards, personnel, and events ... Take a look behind the scenes at Schmersal! We present innovations and new products to you under the Innovations section.Press releases by Schmersal Group Learn more ...
THE SCHMERSAL GROUP We are there for you – globally. And that’s not just an empty promise. Machinery and systems with safety switchgear from Schmersal are used internationally. That’s why you’ll find our subsidiaries and sales partners (almost) everywhere, all of which can give you ...
Schmersal Brazil has been a regular winner of the international Great Place to Work competition for many years. In 2022, Schmersal Brazil once again made it into the top 150: Schmersal was recognised as the third best employer in the Sao Paulo region and achieved 14th place in the national ...
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2004 1999 1997 1994 1982 1974 70th 1969 50th 1945 Schmersal Newsletter STAY UP TO DATE Sign up for our newsletter and receive all information about news, trade fair dates and new products directly in your mailbox. ...
General Manager of the Heinz Schmersal Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH: Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Schmersal Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Philip Schmersal Dipl.-Oec. Michael Ambros Commercial register of the local court (Amtsgericht Wuppertal): HRA 23542 ...
schmersal施迈赛磁簧开关 BN20系列 BN310系列 schmersal施迈赛限位开关 235系列 236系列 256系列 335系列 336系列 441系列 422系列 064系列 067系列 schmersal施迈赛脚踏开关 232系列 schmersal施迈赛凸轮开关 G50系列 G150系列 schmersal施迈赛安全继电器 ...
Schmersal Japan KK 将于 2018 年 8 月从东京迁至横滨。其目的是在空间和人员方面扩大施迈赛在日本的工厂,以扩大日本市场的安全相关组件和系统的范围。 位于伍珀塔尔的施迈赛公司幼儿园正在庆祝其成立 10 周年。 2019 Heinz 和 Philip Schmersal 因其为年轻企业网络提供的多样化服务而获得北威州商业青年协会的最高...
Schmersal施迈赛控制系统和安全开关在电梯行业扮演着不可或缺的重要角色。70年以来,我们始终从行业标准及客户需求出发,开发并生产各类电梯行业开关。为了紧跟电梯客户的步伐,更好地服务全球电梯客户,施迈赛集团采取了国际化战略。2013年,随着 Bhnke + Partner 公司加入