A new and distinct cultivar of Schlumbergera truncata (Haworth) Moran hybr. plant named 'PKMschl03', characterized by its dense growth habit and intense orange-colored flowers.Madsen, Christian Hald
Schlumbergera truncataon Etsy– with buds! Thanksgiving cactuson Amazon– with orange flowers. Hanging basketof Thanksgiving Cactus at Lowe’s Home Improvement – (described as a Christmas cactus, but leaves show the Thanksgiving version.) Be sure to check out my tips forbuying succulents. This ...
An abundance of vibrant blooms make Thanksgiving Cactus a must-have houseplant. Thanksgiving Cactus Varieties In late fall, this tropical cactus bears big, beautiful flowers, which may be red, pink, peach, orange, white, or bicolored. Many cultivars are available to choose from.The names are ...
truncata: 'Orange Candle', 'Pink Dew', 'Red Roman', and 'Snow Queen'. Foliar treatments of benzylamino purine (BA) or both a mixture of BA and gibberellic acid (GA3) were applied (100 200 mg路L ) when plants reached the three-phylloclade stage under a long-day photoperiod. All ...
Diseased Hoya wayetii, commonly known as porcelainflower or waxflower, plants were found in an Orange County nursery by a horticultural inspector in March 2014. Symptoms included slightly sunken chlorotic spots with necrotic margins (Fig. 1). Diseased Schlumbergera truncata (Haw.) Moran, false ...