Data were extracted from hospital charts; diagnoses were made based on the NHSI, DSM III and RDC classificatory systems. The results showed that among the lower class the ethnically advantaged had higher rates of schizophrenic disorders than the ethnically disadvantaged. The results were statistically...
Given the novelty of this approach, we compared the ability of eight models previously used in health data32 to test their ability to predict stigma. These were: Random Forest33, Random Forest with Gradient Boost34, K-nearest neighbour35,36, Naive Bayesian Classifier37, Support Vector Machine ...
摘要:Many patients with schizophrenia have pronounced deficits in the use of negative feedback to guide problem solving and learning, as seen on tasks like the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. There is now a compelling body of evidence from nonhuman primates that suggests transient decreases in dopami...
Nevertheless, we stress that the sensitivity and specificity of RPS do not Sample Denmark MGS Sweden 25 20 support its use as a predictive test. For example, in the Danish epide- miological sample, the area under the receiver operating curve is only 0.62 (Extended Data Fig. 6c, ...
We conducted MR analyses to test for evidence of potential causality and direction of association of a range of immunological proteins/traits in relation to schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder. First, our results indicate some evidence in support of a potential causal relationship between IL...
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bracknell, UK Srinivas Thirumalai Department of Medical Genetics, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria Draga Toncheva Priority Research Centre for Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Paul A Too...
Before any parametric statistical testing, data was visually inspected, and submitted to a KS-test to confirm the normality assumption was not violated. Equality-of-variance between groups was assayed visually, and submitted to an F-test, to determine whether there was any violation of the equalit...
The research to develop and test the new treatment was conducted over three years at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. CaFI was trialled with 26 family units, of which 24 completed all 10 therapy sessions. Half the service users who took part had no contact with their fam...
South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT), The Lodge, The Chase, Wickford, Essex, SS11 7XX, United Kingdom Rashid Zaman & Mark Agius Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) Elizabeth House, Fulbourn Hospital, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5EF, UK ...
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bracknell, UK Srinivas Thirumalai Department of Medical Genetics, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria Draga Toncheva Priority Research Centre for Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Paul A Too...