We explore linguistic indicators of schizophrenia in Reddit discussion forums. Schizophrenia (SZ) is a chronic mental disorder that affects a person's thoughts and behaviors. Identifying and detecting signs of SZ is difficult given that SZ is relatively uncommon, affecting approximately 1 % of the ...
familial, and societal burden3,4,5. Psychiatric symptoms often emerge during the formative years of adolescent and young adult development and interfere with the establishment of healthy social, educational, and vocational foundations6. While early intervention services have ...
They say thatDonny’s 1972four movements of “Everything is Everything” and “Voices Inside” reflect on his latent paranoid schizophrenia. Don’t get it twisted.Donny’snot talking about any severe psychiatric disorder with symptoms of emotional instability, detachment from reality, and withdrawal ...
Subtle features in people’s everyday language may harbor the signs of future mental illness. Machine learning offers an approach for the rapid and accurate extraction of these signs. Here we investigate two potential linguistic indicators of psychosis in 40 participants of the North American Prodrom...
The symptoms of schizophrenia are not always bleak and troublesome, however. In some cases,people with schizophrenia can actually see reality when healthy subjects cannot. In the famous‘Hollow Mask’ illusion,where a mask that is concave is shown to people with and without schizophrenia, most hea...