While there are a variety of therapies that could potentially benefit people with schizophrenia (such as electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT), cognitive behavioral therapy has been proven to yield thebest resultsfor this mental disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy largely centers around the betterment of...
So that’s on the near horizon. On the far horizon, we have a lot to do. And although there are many ways beyond medications to help with cognitive and negative symptoms, we know that, for example, agonizing the histamine [H3] receptor seems to have some precognitive and pro-alertness ...
The control sample comprises 484 subjects (282 males and 202 females) from the National DNA Bank Carlos III (Salamanca University) and individuals attending primary health care centers in Galicia (NW Spain). They were all healthy unrelated individuals declaring not to suffer any disease and being ...
Both brainstem and forebrain arousal centers innervate the thalamic network and are believed to provide dynamic modulation of the functional interaction between TRN-thalamocortical neurons, and ascending inputs to the cortex2,3. Specifically, ascending extra-thalamic inputs play an important role in the...
Such difficulties include the fact that obsessions and delusions are not always easy to distinguish, obsessions may appear in response to second-generation antipsychotic treatment, patients with two psychiatric disorders are more likely to seek medical help, there have been changes in hierarchy rules ...
These differences may help women to adjust better than men to housing instability. It appears that the negative effects of inadequate housing differ in men and women from different study cohorts. 3.5. The Role of Social Networks Social isolation and feelings of belonging depend on much more than...