在对精神分裂症患者的病程进行描述时,建议更好地区分病症的当前状态及其过去发展,令整体描述更为清楚。 不再建议对施耐德主要症状(Schneider's first-rank symptoms)进行特殊治疗。 为了更明确地把分裂情感性障碍与精神分裂症划分,故完善了分裂情感性障碍的定义。 它向医护人员推荐了一项涵盖精神病理学八个领域的评估,...
First-Rank Symptoms of SchizophreniaLennart Jansson
Disturbances of self are a common feature of schizophrenic psychopathology, with patients reporting that their thoughts and actions are controlled by external forces, as shown in first-rank symptoms (FRS). One widely accepted explanatory model of FRS suggests a deficiency in the internal forward model...
(first rank symptoms):思维化声思维化声 争论性幻听争论性幻听 评论性幻听评论性幻听思维被夺思维被夺 思维被插入思维被插入 思维被广播或扩散思维被广播或扩散强加的情感强加的情感 强加的冲动强加的冲动 强加的行为强加的行为躯体被动体验躯体被动体验 妄想性知觉妄想性知觉 一级症状的诊断价值 第二...
(自闭, 孤独症) 概述(七) 历史演变(3) Schneider一级症状(first rank symptoms): 思维化声 争论性幻听 评论性幻听 思维被夺 思维被插入 思维被广播或扩散 强加的情感 强加的冲动 强加的行为 躯体被动体验 妄想性知觉 一级症状的诊断价值 第二部分 病因学 100余年的研究表明,分裂症是由生物、心理社会因素...
Schizophrenia patients with first-rank (passivity) symptoms (FRS) report a loss of clear boundaries between the self and others and that their thoughts and actions are controlled by external forces. One of the more widely accepted explanatory models of FRS suggests a dysfunction in the 'forward ...
(firstrank(firstranksymptoms)symptoms)::思维化声思维化声争论性幻听争论性幻听评论性幻听评论性幻听思维被夺思维被夺思维被插入思维被插入思维被广播或扩散思维被广播或扩散强加的情感强加的情感强加的冲动强加的冲动强加的行为强加的行为躯体被动体验躯体被动体验妄想性知觉妄想性知觉 一级症状的诊断价值一级症状...
(1887-1967) First-rank symptoms: Audible thoughts(思维化声) Voices arguing or discussing(争论性幻听) Voices commenting(评论性幻听) Somatic passivity experiences(躯体被动体验) 诊断概念的历史回顾 First-rank symptoms: Thought withdrawal (思维被夺) Thought insertion(思维插入) Thought broadcasting or ...
A division of symptoms into positive, negative, and disorganisation syndromes is supported by factor analysis. Catatonic symptoms are not specific to schizophrenia and so-called first rank symptoms are no longer considered diagnostically important. Cognitive impairment is now recognised as a further ...