精神分裂症第一次被发现, 是一个多世纪以前的事, but we still don’t know its exact causes. 但我们至今仍不知道其确切的病因。 It remains one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized illnesses today. 如今,它仍是被误解 和污名化最严重的疾病之一。 So, let’s walk through what we do know— ...
Here, we describe the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, strategies for treatment, and clinical impact of the currently available medications.KhanZafar U.Martin-MontañezElisaMulyE. ChrisCurrent Pharmaceutical DesignKhan ZU, Martin-Montanez E, Muly EC. Schizophrenia: causes and treatments. Curr Pharm ...
Schizophrenia - an easy to understand guide covering causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and prevention plus additional in depth medical information.
Schizophrenia was first identified more than a century ago, but we still don’t know its exact causes. It remains one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized illnesses today. So, let’s walk through what we do know— from symptoms to causes and treatments. Schizophrenia is considered a sy...
That’s partially because people with schizophrenia symptoms may not realize they have it and may not take themselves to a doctor for treatment. [7] Schizophrenia Testing and Diagnosis No single definitive test exists for schizophrenia. Thorough clinical interviews are used to diagnose the disease. ...
Schizophrenia Treatment - Psychosocial Interventions (Continued) Assertive community treatment (ACT):Another form of psychosocial intervention includes use of out-patient support groups. Support teams including psychiatrists, nurses, case managers, and other counselors, meet regularly with the schizophrenic pat...
In this procedure, electrodes are attached to the person's scalp. While they’re asleep under general anesthesia, doctors send a small electric shock to the brain. ECT therapy usually involves two to three treatments per week for several weeks. Each shock treatment causes a controlled seizure. ...
In this procedure, electrodes are attached to the person's scalp. While they’re asleep under general anesthesia, doctors send a small electric shock to the brain. ECT therapy usually involves two to three treatments per week for several weeks. Each shock treatment causes a controlled seizure. ...
Possible causes and effects of the brain changes To understand the possible causes of the brain changes in the first phase of schizophrenia, evidence from treatment studies, postmortem and neuroimaging investigations together with animal experiments needs to be integrated. These studies suggest that schiz...
Cognitive deficits are a core feature of schizophrenia, account for much of the impaired functioning associated with the disorder and are not responsive to existing treatments. In this review, we first describe the clinical presentation and natural histo