Manson eye worm- a widely distributed spiruroid nematode parasite of fowl. Synonym(s):Oxyspirura mansoni Manson pyosis- obsolete term for a superficial pyogenic infection. Synonym(s):pemphigus contagiosus Manson schistosomiasis- Synonym(s):schistosomiasis mansoni ...
Thus, we suggest that infection in H. sciureus females provides a favorable environment for the development of adult worms, despite impairing the parasite fecundity. In addition, H. sciureus may be an excellent biological model for S. mansoni experimental infections.Guilherme Silva MirandaJoo Gustavo...
In Ethiopia, Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem caused bySchistosoma mansoniandSchistosoma hematobiumwith 5.1 million people infected and 37.3 million people being at risk of infection. Of these, 3.4 million, 12.3 million, and 21.6 million are pre-school children, school-aged children,...
[40].S. haematobium, S. mansoni,andS. intercalatumare found in sub-Saharan Africa.S. mansoniis additionally found in Brazil, Venezuela, and the Caribbean nations.S. Japonicumhas largely been eliminated from Japan but is found in China, Indonesia, and the Philippines.S. mekongiinfection can ...
Herein, we evaluate the impact of malnutrition on experimentalS. mansoni infection. Mice were divided into 5 groups: Control (Ctrl) diet (14% proteinand 10% lipids), low-protein 3% (LP 3%), low-protein 8% (LP 8%), low-fat 2.5%(LF 2.5%), and low-fat 5% (LF 5%). Mice were ...
infection modes and genders. We examined livers from female and male hamsters that were: noninfected (control), infected with either unisexualS. mansonicercariae (single-sex) or both sexes (bisex). The infection induced up-regulation of proteins associated with immune response, cytoskeletal ...
mansoni infection in 38 countries. The overall, pooled global prevalence of S. mansoni infection in endemic region was 14.8% (95% CI, 13.5%–16.1%). The pooled prevalences (95% CI) in specific regions were: 15.3% (13.9–16.8%) in sub-Saharan Africa, 12.4% (8.9–16.4%) in South ...
mansoni infection of Toxoplasma gondii , an intracellular protozoan parasite which renders mice resistant to a variety of unrelated organisms 7–11 , largely by activation of macrophages 12 , may clarify the role of nonspecific mechanisms in protection against schistosomiasis. 展开 ...
mansoni infection at the village unit. Conclusions Human water-related activities such as washing clothes and playing in the water are risk factors for S. mansoni transmission. Hence, preventive chemotherapy should be combined with information, education and communication to avoid or reduce the ...
Mice immunized percutaneously with 400 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae given 20 kR of 60Co irradiation were shown to develop an immunity in which nearly 80% of the parasites that would be expected to survive in control mice were killed. The major attrition of parasites was shown to occur within ...