Schistosoma mekongi (湄公血吸虫) is merely distributed in Mekong River Valley(澜沧江:青海,西藏,云南――湄公河:老挝,泰国,柬埔寨), resembles Schitosoma japonicum except intermediate host. 3. Schistosoma haematobium(埃及血吸虫)widely spreads in Africa, chiefly in Nile River valley. The adults live ...
The entire non-sexual reproduction stage in the snail takes 4–6 weeks, but cercariae may be shed for up three months at a rate of dozens (S. japonicum) to thousands (S. mansoni, S. haematobium) per day. While snail life expectancy is reduced by schistosome infection because of damage ...
The data obtained from each developmental stage were generated by different research teams, different versions of the genomes were employed for mapping, and different approaches were followed for the analyses (see Methods). Notwithstanding these caveats, several GO terms specific to the sporocyst tissues...
S. haematobium causes the urogenital form of this disease, and S. mansoni leads to hepato-intestinal illness1. These flukes have a complex life cycle, involving aquatic snails (family Planorbidae) as intermediate hosts. In freshwater, the infective larvae (cercariae) leave the snail and infect...
stage cercariae into the water to penetrate unbroken skin. During the migratory phase, maturing schistosomes move through the lungs and liver to reach themesenteric veins, where the paired adults discharge their eggs into theportal circulationto lodge in the liver.S haematobiumresides in the venous...
[63]. One CE copy has been reported inS. japonicum, while multiple copies were found in other schistosome species, such asS. mansoniandS. haematobium[14,63]. Intriguingly, in the present study, we detected two recently duplicated copies of CE and multiple divergent CEs in other blood flukes...
putativethreetransmembranedomainreceptorofSchistosomahaematobium,whichhasnoextensive homologytoanyotherknownprotein.The0.86kbopenreadingframewasfoundtoencodeanovelprotein,286amino acidslongandof32kDa.ItwasshownthatSh-TORcanbephosphorylatedontyrosineandtheproteinsequencerevealsa longcytoplasmictailwithseveralconsensus...
haematobium Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. (1955) C.M. Davies et al. Population genetics of snails and schistosomes in the Zimbabwean Highveld R.J. DeJong et al. Evolutionary relationships and biogeography of Biomphalaria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) with implications regarding its role as host of ...
‘druggable’ protein targets of the human host and human-infective pathogens. Using conservative parameters of >50% sequence identity over >80% of the target, we first performed a similarity search against a database of targets curated from medicinal chemistry literature. This revealed 240 ...
the cercariae transform into the first parasitic stage, theschistosomula. The schistosomula enter the bloodstream and migrate via thecirculatory systemthrough the heart and lungs, ultimately reaching themesenteric veins(S. mansoniandS. japonicum) or the veins draining thebladder(S. haematobium). The...