In summary, FC1 is a test case designed to investigate the capabilities of the numerical schemes to preserve the energy and to correctly describe the interface dynamics. As observed, in the absence of surface tension the fluids can mix, hence the VOF method, developed to model immiscible fluids...
In this paper, we propose two edition schemes that combine edition methods and sequential search for instance selec- tion. In addition, we present an empirical comparison between these schemes and some other edition methods. 1 Introduction Supervised classifiers work on a training set T or sample,...
$k$-Approximate distance labeling schemes are schemes that label the vertices of a graph with short labels in such a way that the $k$-approximation of the distance between any two vertices $u$ and $v$ can be determined efficiently by merely inspecting the labels of $u$ and $v$, without...
sequential monte carlo algorithmsstochastic spectral formulationWe describe new variants of the Euler scheme and of the walk on spheres method for the Monte Carlo computation of Feynman–Kac representations. We optimize these variants using quantization for both source and boundary terms. Numerical tests...
Where is the NS3 simulation code and is saved in the scratch/ directory. On successful execution it will generate IOT_10_20.xml file as output. We can use a shell script to schedule the sequential run of several simulations with different parameters ./waf --run "IOT_PUF --...
We model the components and processes of these blockchains using a Block Lifecycle Model, Confirmed Block Model and Transaction Lifecycle Model. 4.1.1. Block lifecycle model A blockchain records a sequential list of blocks, and each block contains a list of transactions. However, from the ...
the conditional distribution of the r.v.YtgivenXt=xtis fully described by the probability density function (pdf)gt(yt|xt)>0. We often usegtas a function ofxt(i.e. as a likelihood) and hence we write. The priorτ0, the kernels {τt}t≥1and the functions {gt}t≥1describe a stocha...
1 Introduction Quantum game theory, an interdisciplinary field that combines quantum theory and game theory, has been investigated for fifteen years. The first attempt to describe a game in the quantum domain applied to finite noncooperative games in the normal form [1–3]. The general idea (in...
Once such a uniformization of the plaintext spaces has been achieved, we describe our scheme switching algorithms. The main idea here is to replace the expensive bootstrapping algorithms with more efficient key-switching operations. Recall that if 𝓢1 and 𝓢2 are two homomorphic encryption ...
and marks the previous physical storage location as invalid. As data storage continues, particularly for non-sequential storage, the blocks gradually develop regions of invalid data (“holes”). The memory controller typically carries out a “garbage collection” process, which copies valid data from...