针对你提出的“(note: scheme qleanmono not found, using s2color)”问题,以下是我的详细解答: 确认问题关键信息: 你遇到的问题是在尝试使用Stata软件绘图时,系统提示“scheme qleanmono not found, using s2color”。这表明你尝试使用的配色方案“qleanmono”在系统中不存在,因此系统回退到了“s2color”配色方案。
Thanks once again to Kit Baum, a new version of the -scheme_rbn1mono-package (superseding last week's version) is now available for downloadfrom SSC. In Stata, use the -ssc- command to do this, or -adoupdate- ifyou already have an old version of -scheme_rbn1mono-. The -scheme_...
rTchees sawnidtcfhuinrtghmeroidmupleroves the pcsrtooancgeteasiisnnisntghmesocpsotelryerdemc.tuolrtidpelrexbeerfsortehatrtasneslefecrtrainngdtrheeamrratongtheethneexptrporcoecsessesdindgastatasgter.eams on the previous FigurFeig9u. rTeh9e. pTrhoepporsoepdoRse2dFBR2pFiBpeplipneeldinFedFTFFpTrop...
sensors Article A Trust-Based Adaptive Probability Marking and Storage Traceback Scheme for WSNs Anfeng Liu, Xiao Liu and Jun Long * School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; afengliu@mail.csu.edu.cn (A.L.); xiaoliu@csu.edu.cn (X.L...