有很多人以编写 Scheme 为生。不过,他们是大学教授,主要是在编程语言领域——印第安纳大学有几位教授,比如Kent Dybvig和Dan Friedman.他们对编程语言语义的新想法进行原型(prototype)设计(并且 Dybvig 还出售一个 Scheme 编译器)。 这不是一个有很多付费客户的领域,所以从技术上讲,教授们是有报酬的,因为他们在大学...
已关闭10 年前。 我刚刚开始在大学学习计算机科学,他们教我们使用Scheme 进行编程。 自从我学习 C++ 六年以来,Scheme 对我来说显得有点奇怪。我的导师告诉我,你可以用它编写任何可以用 C 或 Java 编写的程序。 真的有人使用这种语言吗? 请您参考如下方法: 据我所知,使用它的人并不多,但它绝对值得一看(即使...
Gerbil had been vyzo's private Scheme for many years, evolved out of a set of common macros that were used across different implementations and eventually a full-blown PLT macro language for actor oriented distributed programming. As such, there have been multiple backends that supported the evol...
除了标准的Scheme,Racket系统里还有不少有意思的东西,比如支持FRP(Functional Reactive Programming)的FrTime,用函数化方法做幻灯片的Slideshow,基于continuation的WEB开发框架,探索静态类型和动态语言集成的Typed Racket,这些玩意儿的纯度非常之高,相当地给力,试了之后让人大呼过瘾。 哦,差点忘了,Racket的新网站是racket-l...
Conforms to Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme and the IEEE P1178 specification. Support for SICP, R2RS, R3RS, and R4RS scheme code. Many Common Lisp functions: logand, logor, logxor, lognot, ash, logcount, integer-length, bit-extract, defmacro, macroexpand, macroexpand...
Gambit-C is a version of the Gambit programming system in which the compiler generates portable C code.The GambitSchemesystem is a complete, portable, efficient and reliable implementation of theSchemeprogramming language. The main features of Gambit-C are: ...
Scheme is a general-purpose, functional, programming language descended from Lisp and Algol. It is statically scoped and properly tail-recursive.
目前Scheme由IEEE负责标准管理,并由一个专门的委员会发表的“算法语言Scheme报告,第N版”(RevisednReport on the Algorithmic Language Scheme)进行标准化。现在的标准是1998年的R5RS[4],并且R6RS[9]已经在2007年被批准了[10]。R6RS带来了很大的变动[11],导致Scheme社区对其意见不一,更有一些用户指责R6RS仅仅是在堆...
Web Development and Programming – Build your own app and web site with these courses. AWS for Beginners – Get knowledge on AWS to manage cloud infrastructure. Economics for Business – Understanding economics concepts which can assist in taking strategic decisions. ...
added logo by Joshua Griffith Jun 11, 2010 chicken.rc removed chicken-fetch and chicken-remove Mar 16, 2010 chicken.scm Update copyright year to 2021 Jan 13, 2021 chicken.syntax.import.scm Update copyright year to 2021 Jan 13, 2021