There is a wide range of Indian electrical standards that ensure high levels of safety and quality for consumers and industry. India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology’s (MEITY) Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) represents these standards and requires mandatory BIS ...
has introduced mandatory regulatory controls on Electrical Electronic Equipment (EEE) being placed onto the market under Federal Law No. 10/2017, Control of Hazardous Materials in Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This new technical regulation is to be introduced under the mandatory regulatory program...
then how it can take the credit of duty scrips as the import duty on software is exempt. Also what document shall be filed in place of shipping bill as software is exporting through internet because the shipping bill is mandatory for taking the credit of duty scrips. kindly suggest...
Click here to view the nearest asset servicing branch. Please carry the original document of your proof of ID. Aadhaar number is mandatory to avail of the subsidy. So, we request you to carry the original Aadhaar card of all the members in your family....
However, this use was not made mandatory for all of Switzerland (e.g., Disler 1941; Buser 1952). During the International Congress on the Jurassic in Luxemburg (1962, Colloque du Jurassique à Luxembourg), a standard stratigraphic subdivision of the Jurassic was recommended. Biostratigraphically...
It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. Ce 24、rapport technique a t labor par le Comit Technique CIE 3-49 de la Division 3 “Environnement intrieur et tude de lclairage“ et a t approuv par le Bureau et Division 3 de la ...
It is mandatory for the applicant companies to furnish Nomination Form along with supporting documents. Entries received without the Nomination Form & Entry Fee will be liable for disqualification. An independent Award Committee comprising experts from technical institutions, ...
According to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food of Greece, the effective use of irrigation water in Greece does not exceed 65%, and the main reason for this is that farmers and irrigation water management bodies, instead of choosing the mandatory use of an irrigation advisory system ...
3.2.2. Reuse of Existing Ontologies Use of existing ontologies or controlled vocabularies is a common, though not a mandatory practice of the ontological development process. Some of these resources may comprehensively cover the domain of interest, address it partially, or model related domains [62...