shgrate is a simple database schema migration for MySQL written in Bash. mysql bash schema-migrations database Updated Apr 10, 2016 Shell codemedic / redstart Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests Utility to migrate an SQLite 3 database using basic tools available in *NIX systems. bash ...
I was recently working with migrations in other NoSql Databases - and quickly made my first contributions toward migration frameworks. I then looked into how things would work for LiteDb. Had a long look at Jonas Kamsker's LiteDb.Migrati...
直到读完这篇「Not All Migrations are Equal: Schema vs. Data」才茅塞顿开。 本质上App依赖Schema Migration,但Schema Migration不应该去依赖App,Schema Migration是可以脱离App独立存在的。 而Data Migration呢,是需要依赖App的业务逻辑的。所以呢,Schema和Data Migration是不能放在一起的。 理解了这两个前提,看一...
那么这背后的原因就是: db/schema.rb 和 migrations 是不匹配的。 张三本地完成了 A 公功能的开发,但是并没有把 A 功能的 migration 代码提交到 remote 仓库,但是却把 A 功能造成的数据库更新,即 db/schema.rb 的更新提交了上去。当李四在进行 C 功能开发的时候,李四本地的数据库可没有 a 字段,并且李四...
CREATE TABLE `schema_migrations` (`version`varchar(255) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB错误提示 # 原因是新版mysql的客户端连接库对rails 2.3的支持不够好导致的。 解决方法,换一个旧版本的mysql的libmySQL.dll文件,复制到ruby目录下的bin文件夹中就可以解决这个问题了。
Entity Framework Core contains tools to create a database from an object model at the time of development or runtime of the application and to change the schema of an existing database (in simple cases without data loss).doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-3552-2_7Holger Schwichtenberg...
DEBUG : Schema History table"public"."flyway_schema_history" successfully updated to reflect changes INFO : Successfully applied 3 migrations to schema"public" (executiontime00:00.146s) As we can see in the log, the database migration scripts have been executed successfully by Flyway, and, if ...
An important part of AWS SCT is the report that it generates to help you convert your schema. When you want to determine the best target direction for your overall environment that is comprised of multiple servers, the easiest way is to create a multiserver assessm...