{ type: String, lowercase:true, trim:true} } })// example usevarThing = mongoose.model('Thing', schema);varm =newThing; m.name ='Statue of Liberty'; m.age =125; m.updated =newDate; m.binary =newBuffer(0); m.living =false; m.mixed = {[ any: { thing:'i want'} ]}; m...
Since it is a schema-less type, you can change the value to anything else you like, but Mongoose loses the ability to auto detect and save those changes. To “tell” Mongoose that the value of a Mixed type has changed, call the .markModified(path) method of the document passing the pa...
我们可以通过编写一个继承自SchemaType的子类,并重写一些方法来定义自己的SchemaType。 在Mongoose中,toJSON和Transform是两个常用的方法,用于在将数据转换为JSON格式时进行自定义处理。 toJSON方法用于将Mongoose文档对象转换为JSON格式的数据。当我们调用文档对象的toJSON方法时,Mongoose会自动调用该文档对象的toJSON方法,...
{dbName:'event_db',useNewUrlParser:true,useUnifiedTopology:true}, err => err ?console.log(err) :console.log('Connected to database'));constpersonSchema =newmongoose.Schema({name: {type:String,unique:true},email: {type:String,
Custom Schema Types Creating a Basic Custom Schema Type New in Mongoose 4.4.0:Mongoose supports custom types. Before you reach for a custom type, however, know that a custom type is overkill for most use cases. You can do most basic tasks withcustom getters/setters,virtuals, andsingle ...
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ // Make `name` required name: { type: String, required: true }, age: Number});const UserModel = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);const doc = new UserModel({ age: 30 });const err = await doc.save().catch(err => err);err.message;...
Schema,为数据库对象的集合,在mongoose中其主要作用是数据库模型骨架,可以理解为它是你定义数据的属性文件,例如下面的例子: varUserSchema=newSchema({name:String,password:String, role:{type:Number,default:0}}); 1.1、Schema 的构造函数为:Schema(definition,[options]),definition一个JSON对象,其中对象的键是一...
type:String, trim:false} });constSolution = mongoose.model('Solution', schema);constdoc =newSolution({ code:' Hello'}); doc.code;// ' Hello', Mongoose didn't trim There are several other potential use cases for defaults per SchemaType. For example: Settingrequired: truefor all...
importmongoosefrom'mongoose';const{ Schema, Document } = mongoose;exportinterface IDoctor extends Document {firstName: string; lastName: string; }constDoctorSchema: Schema =newSchema({firstName: {type:String,required:true},lastName: {type:String,required:true} ...
stuff: { type: String, lowercase:true, trim:true} } //m.nested.stuff = 'good'; }) //example usevarThing = mongoose.model('Thing', schema);varm =newThing; m.name= 'Statue of Liberty'; m.age= 125; m.updated=newDate; m.binary=newBuffer(0); ...