但是oncology的“relationship does not exist”,这只能意味着一件事:你没有public架构上的USAGE权限。
这些权限会追加到已有的权限上 关键字PUBLIC表示该权限要赋予所有角色,包括以后创建的用户。PUBLIC可以看做是一个隐含定义好的组,它总是包括所有角色。任何角色或用户都将拥有通过GRANT直接赋予的权限和所属的权限,再加上PUBLIC的权限 如果声明了WITH GRANT OPTION,则被授权的用户也可以将此权限赋予他人,否则就不能授...
Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public; pgrestore encountered errors Continue? ([y]/n): y The next bit was from a subsequent SQL statement failing because pg_restore had failed: Failed to run pg_restore: ERROR: relation "lock_company" does not exist LINE 1: delete from lock_company To me, ...
(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=false)] public class ValidationAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute { int priority = 0; // used by soap extension to get the type // of object to be created public override System.Type ExtensionType { get { return typeof(ValidationExtension); } } public ...
public Mono<>> registerSchemaWithResponse(String groupName, String name, String schemaDefinition, SchemaFormat format) Registers a new schema in the specified schema group with the given schema name. If a schema does not existdoes not exist with the same groupName, name, format, and schemaDe...
public static void Validate (this System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute source, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet schemas, System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler? validationEventHandler, bool addSchemaInfo); Parameters source XAttribute The XAttribute to vali...
public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema Reprocess (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema schema); Parameters schema XmlSchema The schema to reprocess. Returns XmlSchema An XmlSchema object if the schema is a valid schema. If the schema is not valid and a ValidationEventHandler is specified, null is returne...
schemakeeper{server{port=9081host=}storage{username=""password=""driver="org.h2.Driver"schema="public"url="jdbc:h2:mem:schemakeeper;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"} } CORS schemakeeper{server{cors{allowedCredentials="<true/false>"anyOrigin="<true/false>"anyMethod="<true/false>"maxAge="<number...
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 从以上结果可以看出,用户 penguin无法查看用户storm所建表里面的内容,甚至被告知没有这张表。 第五步,修改当前schema为storm,并继续查询: SQL> alter session set current_schema=storm; Session altered. SQL> show user; ...
public class OrderItem { public Order Order { get; set; } } public class Order { public List<OrderItem> Items { get; set; } } An Order has a list of OrderItems and each OrderItem has a reference back to the parent Order. If you try to represent this in XML, you hit...