这些权限会追加到已有的权限上 关键字PUBLIC表示该权限要赋予所有角色,包括以后创建的用户。PUBLIC可以看做是一个隐含定义好的组,它总是包括所有角色。任何角色或用户都将拥有通过GRANT直接赋予的权限和所属的权限,再加上PUBLIC的权限 如果声明了WITH GRANT OPTION,则被授权的用户也可以将此权限赋予他人,否则就不能授...
Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public; pgrestore encountered errors Continue? ([y]/n): y The next bit was from a subsequent SQL statement failing because pg_restore had failed: Failed to run pg_restore: ERROR: relation "lock_company" does not exist LINE 1: delete from lock_company To me, ...
It's as if MikroORM would "cache" the schema somewhere, and incorrectly try to create a row inauth.user_profiletable, instead ofpublic.user_profile. The issue gets resolved if I explicitly mention theschema: 'public'in the entity decorator like this: @Entity({ tableName: 'user', schema:...
public Mono<>> registerSchemaWithResponse(String groupName, String name, String schemaDefinition, SchemaFormat format) Registers a new schema in the specified schema group with the given schema name. If a schema does not existdoes not exist with the same groupName, name, format, and schemaDe...
(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=false)] public class ValidationAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute { int priority = 0; // used by soap extension to get the type // of object to be created public override System.Type ExtensionType { get { return typeof(ValidationExtension); } } public ...
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 从以上结果可以看出,用户 penguin无法查看用户storm所建表里面的内容,甚至被告知没有这张表。 第五步,修改当前schema为storm,并继续查询: SQL> alter session set current_schema=storm; Session altered. SQL> show user; ...
schema no "public" none "dbo" dbname yes none none none host yes none none none port no 5432 3306 1433 user yes none none none pass no none none none sslmode no "require" "true" "true" unix-socket no N/A "" N/A whitelist no [] [] [] blacklist no [] [] []Example...
ERROR: relation "account" does not exist SQL state: 42P01 From my understanding I need to cast the t.table_name with ::regclass in order to compare against indrelid. I'm assuming it's not working because the table is in another schema other than the public schema. How do I run th...
IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public_data LIMIT to (customer, customer_address) FROM server odps_server INTO PUBLIC options(if_table_exist 'error'); Example 5: Create multiple foreign tables at a time in the schema named public. If a foreign table that you want to create already exists, skip the ...
Exchange 2003 did not use specific property sets. Instead, the Exchange 2003 installation added some Exchange specific attributes to the standard Active Directory Personal Information and Public Information property sets. On the surface, this seems like a good idea, but the problem is that Exchange ...