使用spark.read.parquet()读取Parquet文件。 调用df.schema.json()获取schema的JSON表示。 frompyspark.sqlimportSparkSession # 初始化SparkSession spark=SparkSession.builder.appName("ReadParquetSchema").getOrCreate() # 读取Parquet文件 parquet_file_path="path/to/your/parquet/file.parquet" df=spark.read.p...
将单行或多行(多行)JSON 文件读取到 PySpark DataFrame 并 write.json("path") 保存或写入 JSON 文...
对于PySpark中定义JSON Schema结构的配置文件,可以使用腾讯云的产品TencentDB for PostgreSQL来存储和管理配置文件。TencentDB for PostgreSQL是一种高性能、高可用的关系型数据库服务,支持存储和查询结构化数据。通过使用TencentDB for PostgreSQL,可以方便地管理和访问JSON Schema配置文件,提高数据处理的效率和可靠性。
however, sometimes you may be required to convert it into a String or to a JSON file. In this article, I will explain how to convert printSchema() result to a String and convert the PySpark DataFrame schema to a JSON.
一、pyspark.sql.SparkSession 二、函数方法 1.parallelize 2.createDataFrame 基础语法 功能 参数说明 返回 data参数代码运用: schema参数代码运用: 3.getActiveSession 基础语法: 功能: 代码示例 4.newSession 基础语法: 功能: 5.range 基础语法: 功能: ...
frompyspark.sqlimportSparkSessionfrompyspark.sql.functionsimportcol spark=SparkSession.builder.appName("Change Schema Example").getOrCreate()# 创建一个示例 DataFramedata=[("Alice",1),("Bob",2)]df=spark.createDataFrame(data,["Name","ID"])# 查看原始数据df.show()# 更改 Schema,添加一个新的列...
rest of the article I’ve explained by using the Scala example, a similar method could be used with PySpark, and if time permits I will cover it in the future. If you are looking for PySpark, I would still recommend reading through this article as it would give you an idea of its ...
pyspark = { version = "3.3.0", optional = true } table-builder = { path = "table_builder/", develop = true, optional = true } test-helpers = { path = "utils/test_helpers/", develop = true, optional = true } zeppelin-utils...
# 需要导入模块: from pyspark.sql import SQLContext [as 别名]# 或者: from pyspark.sql.SQLContext importapplySchema[as 别名]# RDD is created from a list of rowssome_rdd = sc.parallelize([Row(name="John", age=19), Row(name="Smith", age=23), ...