server_name The name of the server on which the MaxCompute tables are stored. Default value: odps_server. You can use the odps_server server that is created at the underlying layer of Hologres. For more information, see postgres_fdw. local_schema The name of the schema to which the Ho...
The system tablespace is prefixed by ibdata. Temporary tablespaces are prefixed by ibtmp. The file name includes the file path, which may be relative to the MySQL data directory (the value of the datadir system variable). For NDB: The name of an UNDO log file created by CREATE ...
CARDINALITY is counted based on statistics stored as integers, so the value is not necessarily exact even for small tables. The higher the cardinality, the greater the chance that MySQL uses the index when doing joins. SUB_PART The index prefix. That is, the number of indexed characters ...
However, when viewing the tables in the object explorer in the management studio, all the tables are prefixed with the schema name (testuser - so the table names are like: testuser.pn_user). Now, all of the code I have queries the tablename only without prefixing testuser to it - ...
With the exception of the INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD table, these tables are empty initially. Before querying any of them, set the value of the innodb_ft_aux_table system variable to the name (including the database name) of the table that contains the FULLTEXT index (for example, test/...
ForRelational Table Prefix, enter a prefix to identify the tables for the star schema, or use the default application name prefix. Note: The prefix can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters and must start with a letter. It cannot contain an underscore. The default prefix is the application...
Tables are the basic unit of data storage in an Oracle database. Data is stored in rows and columns. You define a table with a table name (such as EMP) and set of columns. You give each column a column name (such as EMPNO, ENAME, and JOB), a datatype (such as VARCHAR2, DATE...
If you want to override those security privileges for all functions and use SECURITY DEFINER instead, enable this directive. USE_TABLESPACE When enabled this directive force ora2pg to export all tables, indexes constraint and indexes using the tablespace name defined in Oracle database. This works...
When using default resolution guidance, if you notice a common prefix, you can use that as the name of the entity attribute. Since you used ua as the name of the entity attribute in Session, the attribute browserName from UserAgent becomes:...
LookupNamespace(String) Resolves the namespace prefix in the context of the current node. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) LookupPrefix(String) Finds the corresponding prefix for a namespace uri in the current element scope. (Inherited from OpenXmlElement) NextSibling() Gets the OpenXmlElem...