In psychology and other social sciences, a schema describes a mental concept. It enables an individual to understand what to expect from diverse experiences and circumstances. These schemas are developed and based on life experiences and act as a guide to one's cognitive processes and behavior. I...
2. In sensorimotor theory, the organized unit of cognitive experience. [G. schēma, shape, form] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 schema (skē′mə) n. pl. schemata (skē-mä′tə, skĭ-măt′ə) or schemas Psychology A pattern imposed on complex reality or...
In three-factor theory, they are characterized by a sphere with mean and variance in the space and represent the general definition of the emotion from a higher level. In contrast, like other words, the tuples from lexicon exclusively represent a semantic term, which are considered dots in ...
Following Holtfrerich et al.16, we additionally calculated relative RTs (Delta-RTs) by subtracting the low distracting condition per definitionem (i.e., infant target and three adult distractors) from the high distracting condition (i.e., adult target and three baby faces as distractors). ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 77, 1121–1134. [3] Metzger, M. (2011). Sign language interpreting: Deconstructing the myth of neutrality. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.Categories: Decision-making, Readiness Tags: Demand Control Schema, ethics, Michael Ballard, ...
Furthermore, Table 1 describes how the different stages of this HIA exercise were conducted: (1) screening (decision whether to conduct the HIA or not); (2) scoping (establishment of a steering group and the definition of the terms of reference, as well as the work plan of HIA); (3)...