Theschemadefinition in psychology is the cognitive framework that allows a person to interpret a new situation based on their experience in similar, prior experiences. Schemas, sometimes referred to asscripts, are mental shortcuts because one can draw from their prior experience and knowledge to dete...
Schema: Definition and Origins The term schema was first introduced in 1923 by developmental psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget proposed a stage theory of cognitive development that utilized schemas as one of its key components.Piaget defined schemasas basic units of knowledge that related to all aspect...
Define schema. schema synonyms, schema pronunciation, schema translation, English dictionary definition of schema. n. pl. sche·ma·ta or sche·mas 1. A plan, outline, or model: a schema for prioritizing vaccinations; a writer's schema for a novel. 2. Ps
Define Oedipus schema. Oedipus schema synonyms, Oedipus schema pronunciation, Oedipus schema translation, English dictionary definition of Oedipus schema. n. In psychoanalysis, an unconscious sexual desire by a child, especially a male child, directed to
The term is used in discussing both...Springer USWikipedia (2012). Definition of schemas. URL (last checked 23 Febru- ary 2012). (2012). Definition of schemas. URL (last checked 23 February 2012).
A formal definition of schema would be ''a way of organizing and grouping information in the mind.'' The main scientific field in which schemata are important is cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychologists study schemata to examine how and why individuals act the way they do regarding their ...
2. In sensorimotor theory, the organized unit of cognitive experience. [G. schēma, shape, form] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 schema (skē′mə) n. pl. schemata (skē-mä′tə, skĭ-măt′ə) or schemas Psychology A pattern imposed on complex reality or...
In education, a schema is generally a scheme, plan or diagram about something that can help students learn. Psychology In psychology and other social sciences, a schema describes a mental concept. It enables an individual to understand what to expect from diverse experiences and circumstances. Thes...
Basic Definition A systematic plan or arrangement. A blueprint or structured representation of a complex idea/system. 12 Common Usage Refers to plans, plots, or design arrangements. Depicts complex concepts, especially in psychology and IT. 8 Application Can be applied to strategies or artistic des...
For example, if one knows that an object is a door, then, according to the definition of a schema “door,” we can assume that it has a lock, a handle, and hinges. In 1981, American researchers William Brewer and James Treyens studied the effects of schemata in human memory. In ...