syntaxsql复制 -- Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL DatabaseCREATESCHEMAschema_name_clause[<schema_element>[ ...n ] ]<schema_name_clause>::={schema_name|AUTHORIZATIONowner_name|schema_nameAUTHORIZATIONowner_name}<schema_element>::={table_definition|view_definition|grant_statement|revoke_statement...
This trigger runs after the insertion and checks whether the current command should run next. The code logic ensures that no schema change statement is skipped, and all changes are applied even if the insertion is out of order. Sync the schema change tracking table to all endpoints ...
For example, if the statement ALTER TABLE ADD datetime2 column is used in SQL Server 2012 (11.x), the data type is not translated to nvarchar for SQL Server 2005 (9.x) Subscribers. In some cases, schema changes are blocked on the Publisher. If a publication is set to allow the ...
BulkInsertStatement 类 BulkOpenRowset 类 CallTarget 类 CaseExpression 类 CastCall 类 CellsPerObjectSpatialIndexOption 类 CertificateCreateLoginSource 类 CertificateOption 类 CertificateOptionKinds 枚举 CertificateStatementBase 类 ChangeRetentionChangeTrackingOptionDetail 类 ...
SQL Server enforces uniqueness for <xsd:attribute> declarations of ID type, but doesn't store these values. The scope for enforcement of uniqueness is the {CREATE | ALTER} XML SCHEMA COLLECTION statement. ID type SQL Server doesn't support elements of type xs:ID, xs:IDREF, or xs:IDREFS...
For example, consider a partitioned table created in thetestdatabase using this statement: CREATETABLEtp(c1INT,c2INT,c3VARCHAR(25))PARTITIONBYHASH(c1+c2)PARTITIONS4; ThePARTITION_EXPRESSIONcolumn in aPARTITIONStable row for a partition from this table displaysc1 + c2, as shown here: ...
SQL SELECTxml_schema_namespace(N'Production',N'ProductDescriptionSchemaCollection', N''); GO When you create an XML schema collection by using CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION in the database, the statement stores ...
reorganization during DML operations for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index, the information about newly deleted words is stored separately, filtered out of search results when you do a text search, and removed from the main search index only when you issue an OPTIMIZE TABLE statement for the InnoDB table...
The maximum space available for statement display is 1024 bytes by default. To change this value, set theperformance_schema_max_sql_text_lengthsystem variable at server startup. Changes affect the storage required for all the columns just named. ...
(4) | NO | | 0 | | | ACTION_CONDITION | longtext | YES | | NULL | | | ACTION_STATEMENT | longtext | NO | | NULL | | | ACTION_ORIENTATION | varchar(9) | NO | | | | | ACTION_TIMING | varchar(6) | NO | | | | | ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_TABLE | varchar(64) | YES |...