scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解篇一:SAP_MM_之计划协议计划协议是采购中的常用做法,和框架协议、配额协议并列成为三种比较灵活的采购方式,本文是SAP中计划协议的实践方式 YoucanentrytheGRforascheduleagreementdeliveryschedulewhenthedateismatched. Typeofschedulingagreement figofthescheduleagreementdocumenttype Togenerate...
scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解.doc,scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解 篇一:SAP_MM_之计划协议 计划协议是采购中的常用做法,和框架协议、配额协议并列成为三种比较灵活的采购方式,本文是SAP中计划协议的实践方式 You can entry the GR for a schedule agreement deli
SAP 《MM学习指南》操作记录--- 计划协议及交货计划 SchedulingAgreementanddeliveryschedule(计划协议及交货计划): 1.创建计划协议(Tcode:ME31L) Path:Logistics->...;Vendor Known 前台->后勤->物料管理->采购->框架协议->计划协议->创建->ME31L-已知供应商 创建SchedulingAgreement也有 SAP...
scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解 scheduling,agreement,计戈U协议详解篇一:sap_mmj!计划协议计划协议是采购中的常用做法,和框架协议、配额协议并列成为三种比较灵活的米购方式,本文是sap中计划协议的实践方式 youcanentrythegRforascheduleagreementdeliveryschedu lewhenthedateismatched. typeofschedulingagreement thecom...
This process takes place in the case of procurement using scheduling agreements. Scheduling agreement releases provide information to vendors regarding the quantities of a material that are to be delivered and the desired delivery dates. A scheduling agreement release enables you to record the current ...
If you set the indicator, the forecast delivery schedule releases will be saved in a separate file and can be displayed at any time. 而Release Document的解释: Release documentation Purchasing (MM-PUR) A log relating to an item of an outline purchase agreement (contract or scheduling agreement)...
2 cannot process the same document at the same time. Just test it in foreground, have one user stay in change scheduling agreement and the other shall try to add or change a schedule with ME84. There will be exact the same message. In general this should not be a bigger issue, MRP ...
InfoCubes - Sales Scheduling Agreement Processing ODS Objects Sales Scheduling Agreement Processing InfoSource: Due Delivery Schedules and Confirmations Key Figures - Sales Scheduling Agreement Processing Characteristics: Sales Scheduling Agreement Processing Process Chains - Sales Scheduling A...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) hii Some body explain me about the scenario and steps to be followed in configuration and in front process with transaction codes . Jus some experts can explain me about over all procedure of Schedulingagreement in SAP with transaction code...
There are two options to start the process of creating a scheduling agreement: Enter VA31 in Transaction Command Field for creating Scheduling Agreement or Enter VA31 Transaction Navigate through ‘Tree’ VA31 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu ...