Ascheduling agreementis an outline agreement between you and a sold-to party that is valid for a certain period of time. The scheduling agreement contains fixed delivery dates and quantities. These dates are contained in the schedule lines for the scheduling agreements. Once the scheduling agreement...
SAP 框架协议(outline agreements) agreement)计划协议:事务代码ME31L,后勤--物料管理--采购--框架协议--计划协议--创建。协议类型一般选择LP:自动带入价格: 创建完毕计划协议后,可以: 、通过ME51N创建...框架协议:签订长期的合同,产品范围比较固定,供应商的特点比较固化 A、合同(contract 事务码ME31K):主要包括...
will be displayed. Create Scheduling agreement The scheduling agreement is a long-term purchase agreement with the vendor in which a vendor is bound for supplying of material according to predetermined conditions. Details of the delivery date and quantity communicated to the vendor in the form of t...
We were able to implement Scheduling Agreement approval using standard app "Approve Purchase Contract". Just a minor tricky configuration in scenario definition will help you achieve it and Small label changes of Texts in UI. You need to replace text of "Purchase contract approval" to Scheduling ...
scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解篇一:SAP_MM_之计划协议计划协议是采购中的常用做法,和框架协议、配额协议并列成为三种比较灵活的采购方式,本文是SAP中计划协议的实践方式 YoucanentrytheGRforascheduleagreementdeliveryschedulewhenthedateismatched. Typeofschedulingagreement figofthescheduleagreementdocumenttype Togenerate...
scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解.doc,scheduling,agreement,计划协议详解 篇一:SAP_MM_之计划协议 计划协议是采购中的常用做法,和框架协议、配额协议并列成为三种比较灵活的采购方式,本文是SAP中计划协议的实践方式 You can entry the GR for a schedule agreement deli
A scheduling agreement consists of a number of items, for each of which a procurement type is defined. The following procurement types exist: Standard Subcontracting Consignment Stock transfer Delivery of the total quantity of material specified in a scheduling agreement item is spread over a...
In the SAP APO system, scheduling agreement (SA) releases take the form of operative and forecast/planning delivery schedules. You can use this function to create operative delivery schedules or forecast/planning delivery schedules against APO scheduling agreements. ...
Hello Experts, I am surprised to see, how come, for a scheduling agreement (SAP SD), system confirms the schedule line qty even after zero inventory in the system.
计划协议(scheduling agreement)是与供货商签订的一项长期合作协议。会预先定义有效时间和采购数量。 使用计划协议的好处有: 1.可以省去很多PO和合同的release order(直接对SA进行GR操作),SA的delivery schedule line本身就是SA的一部分,因此可以减少文档的数量。