However, Thakur said, as borrowers of written-off loans continue to be liable for repayment and the process of recovery of dues from the borrower in written-off loan accounts continues, write-off does not benefit the borrower. "As per RBI data, scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) have writ...
Savings in the form of bank deposits accounted for less that 1 per cent of national income, forming around 12 per cent of the estimated saving of the household sector. Keeping in view the social objectives, in July 1969, 14 largest commercial banks were nationalized as a major step to ...
RBI circular on Maintenance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by Scheduled State Co-operative Banksraj kumar makkadEmail thisPrint this
Retail lending by banks in India gathered momentum following financial sector reforms in 1990s. During the period from 1992–93 to 2005–06, retail loans grew at an average annual growth rate of 28.4 per cent against 19.5 per cent growth of overall bank credit during this period (Hari Misra,...