Learn what a fixed ratio schedule is, as a type of reinforcement schedule in psychology. See fixed ratio schedule examples and how they impact...
Learn what is a variable ratio & what is variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. Understand the concept with some real examples of variable-ratio...
A reinforcement schedule refers to the delivery of a reward (reinforcer) to strengthen a behavior (i.e., make it occur more frequently).
Understand a variable interval and a variable-interval reinforcement schedule. Using a few variable-interval schedule examples, learn about their...
Starting 7–10 days after the last pre-exposure injection, rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.3 mg/kg/infusion) and then tested under a progressive ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement for 6 consecutive days. As reported previously, VTA AMPH pre-exposed rats worked more and ...
Cocaine Self-administration Testing under a PR Sched- ule of Reinforcement. Upon satisfactory completion of self-administration training under the FR schedules, rats were tested on six consecutive days under a PR schedule of reinforcement. Under this schedule, the number of responses required to ...
Multiple schedules of reinforcementSignaled availabilityStereotypyIndividuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who engage in stereotypy may also emit a prior, temporally contiguous, high-risk response to access stereotypic behaviors. For example, the participant in this study who was diagnosed...
Some such measures include progressive-ratio responding for items without caloric value, anticipation of reward phenomena, and impaired reward responsiveness using a signal detection differential reinforcement approach.145 View chapterExplore book Personality and Emotion in Late Life Nicole Alea, ... ...
WaiTer Reed .-trmy IllsTiTUTe of Research. h!ashillgroll. D. C. ::001:: This study documents the efficacy of a differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) barpress procedure in producing schedule-induced drinking of alcohol solutions in rat. Solution intakes were a monotonically decreasing ...
It might also be helpful to contrast the variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement with thefixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement. In a fixed-ratio schedule, reinforcement is provided after a set number of responses. For example, in a variable-ratio schedule with a VR 5 schedule, an animal might...