Meningococcal B vaccine (Trumenba/Bexsero) -- generally administered as a three-dose series between 16-18 years of age Since the two vaccine formulations are protective against different strains of Meningococcus, they should not be substituted one for each other. Who should receive the vaccine: ...
These are thevaccinesrecommended for children, and the diseases they protect against: Hepatitis Bvaccine guards against hepatitis B virus, which damages theliver. Your child may have already received the first vaccine in the series in the hospital. The second dose comes at 1 or 2 months, and ...
Hepatitis B Vaccine Polio Vaccine Rotavirus - Oral (RV) (DTP) Vaccines (HIB) Conjugate Vaccines Pneumococcal Vaccines Influenza Virus Vaccines (MMR) Vaccine Varicella (VAR) Vaccines (HEPA) Vaccine Typhoid Vaccines (MCV4) Vaccines (HPV) Vaccination Highlights for Immunization BCG Vaccine Conclusion ...
In conclusions, adults receiving HepB primary immunization on 0-, 1- and 6-month schedule might have more prolonged anti-HBs than those on 0-, 6-month schedule, although good anti-HBs persistence could be achieved after HepB immunization on both schedules....
Several combination vaccines are already in use (for example, MMR, MMRV, DTaP, Hib/HepB, DTaP/IPV/HepB, DtaP/IPV/Hib, and DtaP/IPV). More are under development. Vaccination checklist Rarely, a child should wait before getting certain vaccines or should not get them at all. Tell your ...