As a verb, it means to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a particular time. 1.4相关词汇:同义词有timetable、agenda;派生词有scheduled(形容词,预定的)、scheduling(名词,行程安排)。 2. 起源与背景 2.1词源:“schedule”源于拉丁语“schedula”,意思是“小纸片”,最初用于记录要做的事情,...
A schedule is a noun or can be used as a verb when talking about the act of planning or arranging events or tasks. On the other hand, scheduled as an adjective describes the condition of events, tasks, or activities that have been planned and are expected to take place at a predetermine...
As a verb, "schedule" means to plan or arrange an event or activity to take place at a particular time. For example: - The meeting has been scheduled for 2:00 PM. - I need to schedule a doctor's appointment for next week. - The flight was rescheduled due to bad weather. In the...
Theword"schedule"ispronouncedas/ˈskɛdʒuːl/inBritishEnglishandas/ˈʃɛdjuːl/or/ˈskɛdjuːl/inAmericanEnglish.Theworditselfcanbeusedasanounoraverbdependingonthecontext. Asanoun,"schedule"referstoaplanoratimetableforevents,appointments,ortasks.Itisoftenusedtoorganizeandmanagetimeeff...
Schedule is a noun.Scheduling is a verb.
As an adjectiverundown is alternative form of lang=en. As a verbscheduleis to create a time-schedule. rundown English Noun (en noun) A rough outline. Generally used in the definite, asthe rundown. Could you give me therundownon the new rules?
Please send me your travel schedule as soon as possible.(请尽快把你的旅行时间表发给我。) The TV show has a new episode schedule starting next month.(这个电视节目从下个月开始有新的播出时间表。) 作动词使用: We need to schedule a meeting with the client next week.(我们需要在下周与客户安排...
for longer than scheduled.我们在这里停留的时间将超出原先的安排。I'm scheduled to arrive in LA at 5 o'clock.我预计在5点钟抵达洛杉矶。列入,收进(正式目录、清单等中)to include sth in an official list of thingsThe substance has been scheduled as a poison.这种物质已被列为毒物。
As verbs the difference between schedule and scheduled is that schedule is to create a time- while scheduled is...
For example, in Britain there are six schedules from A to F, and income from employment falls into Schedule EThis amount will be taxed as income under Schedule F.7American English a tax form for one of the different classes of incomeschedule2 verb [transitive] to plan that something will ...