SAP-计划协议(Schedule agreement) 計劃協議(Schedule agreement) 計劃協議的優勢 使用計劃協議可以縮短系統處理次數,減少紙面作業。一個計劃協議可以取代一系列離散的採購訂單和合同執行訂單(Contract release order)。計劃協議可以使自己的庫存保持在一個較低的水平並且能讓供應商在這個計劃協議週期內更有效...
SAP-计划协议 星级: 4页 sap-计划协议 星级: 4页 太阳能电池板与蓄电瓶的匹配 星级: 2页 Alternative Work Schedule Agreement - Georgia … 星级: 2页 更多猜你喜欢 SAP标准功能培训教程_MM SAP_MRP SAP培训教程 SAP培训教程PP最新版 SAP方丈-CO-第四夜-成本核算MTO ...
Use t.code:MIGO or MB01and enter schedule agreement number in place of Purcahse Order number and same process as you do normal GR with PO. Note: GR date and scheduled date( you scheduled in ME38 t.code) is must be same . If not same or date differ or you may be doing GR after...
With regard to Outline Agreement: 1. You can create the centrally contract (cross-plant) where you can maintain different pricing conditions for each and every plant 2. You have to create the Release Order with reference to Outline Agreement. 3. No detailed delivery schedule can be made in t...
Solved: Hi Gurus., Can any one send me step by step process of schedule Line agreement and planned schedule line agreement , as there are different order types for
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hi Friends , I am doing schedule line agreement in this way. 1) Create SA agrement -ME31L 2) Maintain schedule lines -ME38 3) MIGO- 4)MIRO That is working. A ) But then why it is necessary to maintain in material master und...
SAP 中的Schedule Agreement如何使用? 請教各位SAP高手﹐SAP中的schedule PO是如何實現的?可否講講原理。我目前用的是鼎新﹐其中采購流程中有個虛工﹐倉庫人員很可憐﹐要做一大對白工。請各位幫幫忙﹐因聽說SAP中schedule PO來改善這種虛工, 此為SAP特有的, SAP的名稱叫 Sch
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi friends.. I'm trying to create schedule lines as and when user enters the schedule aggrement item.. everything is getting updated but the not able to see the confirmed quantity getting updated. and for this i called the routine FCODE_BVFP but then...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hi All Is it possible to change the cost center in the Schedule Agreement after the GR is done? We change Cost center at the end of the financial year and need the cost to go to a different cost centre. ...
Change Scheduling Agreement Delivery Schedule Lines Technical Data Technical Name of the iView Runtime Technology ABAP/Web Dynpro System: SAP_ECC_Procurement Application parameter: Bp_version=14&system=<System> Data Source or Data Store SAP ECC Support...