PropertyValue Description Description of the unit group. DisplayName Description IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName description RequiredLevel None Type Memo Format Text FormatName Text ImeMode Auto IsLocalizable False MaxLength 2000Import...
・ URL, map display, memo can be left for each schedule ・ Scheduled template function ・ Notification setting, preliminary notification setting also possible ・ Adjustment of character size - 5 character sizes: small, medium, large, oversized ...
Not only the title and time but also the location and memo are displayed, so you can easily understand the schedule. If the title is long, you can choose to display it over multiple lines or in one line. You can select a list format with a large amount of information or a collection...
Credit Memo Currency Currency Rate Customer Customer Category Customer Deposit Customer Message Customer Payment Customer Refund Customer Status Customer Subsidiary Relationship Department Deposit Deposit Application Description Item Discount Item Download Item Email Template Employee Estimate Event Expense Category ...
Credit Memo Currency Currency Rate Customer Customer Category Customer Deposit Customer Message Customer Payment Customer Refund Customer Status Customer Subsidiary Relationship Department Deposit Deposit Application Description Item Discount Item Download Item Email Template Employee Estimate Event Expense Category ...
Speaker Memo Info: This information is now displayed in read-only mode in the Congregation Manager window and is integrated with the Find/Find Next functionality. Default Availability: When adding new publishers or speakers, the lists of dates for their availability now default to checked, indicatin...
Field Ministry Assignments Template: Another new template allows you to display Field Ministry arrangements in a clear, visually appealing report format. Feel free to explore the reports and templates available in the Report Viewer. Options Customise text colours, memo label descriptions and other setti...
Employee Termination Letter Excel Template Employee Promotion Letter Excel Template Salary Certificate Format Excel Template Absconding Letter Excel Template Employee Disciplinary Memo Excel Template Casual Leave Application Excel Template Employee Transfer Letter Excel Template Employee Show Cause Notice...
This can be a brief memo about appointment information for your customer. The confirmation page and email notifications will also show this message by default. For more detailed instructions, we recommend you include those in the notification message instead. ...
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