Awesome-Scene-Graph-Generation 🎨 IntroductionA scene graph is a topological structure representing a scene described in text, image, video, or etc. In this graph, the nodes correspond to object bounding boxes with their category labels and attributes, while the edges represent the pair-wise ...
If you find this project helps your research, please kindly consider citing our project or papers in your publications. Sponsor this project KaihuaTangKaihua Tang Contributors7 Languages Jupyter Notebook93.2% Python5.8% Other1.0%...
文章主要介绍我们在ECCV 2022 Oral (2 accept, 1 weak accept)的论文"Fine-Grained Scene Graph Generation with Data Transfer"。主要内容包括对于Scene Graph现有问题的介绍 (标题里的精神内耗),我们的方法。最后是关于场景图生成(SGG)领域的一些感受。 论文: 代码:https://git...
文章主要介绍我们在ECCV 2022 Oral (2 accept, 1 weak accept)的论文"Fine-Grained Scene Graph Generation with Data Transfer"。主要内容包括对于Scene Graph现有问题的介绍 (标题里的精神内耗),我们的方法。最后是关于场景图生成(SGG)领域的一些感受。 论文: 代码:https://git... Recall@K for Iterative Message Passing(IMP), Neural Motifs, Transformer,VCTree Faster R-CNN预训练 该项目的Faster R-CNN预训练部分基本完全采用maskrcnn-benchmark的源代码(虽然我们又增加了attribute_head的实现,但还没开始正式使用),仅就数据集...
同年下半年看了很久的《The Book of Why》来寻找灵感,最后到了临近CVPR deadline,还是回归了自己的老本行场景图生成,投稿了一篇《Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training》,并幸运的以(SA,SA,WA)的分数中了今年的CVPR 2020 Oral。结合我之前对SGG领域的了解,我认为目前SGG领域内关于不同message ...
Tang, K. (2020). A scene graph generation codebase in pytorch. ( Tang, K., Niu, Y., Huang, J., Shi, J., & Zhang, H. (2020). Unbiased scene graph generation from biased training.IEEE conference on computer vision and pa...
graph construction Graph Generation Scene Graph Generation Datasets Edit Visual Genome Results from the Paper Edit Submit results from this paper to get state-of-the-art GitHub badges and help the community compare results to other papers. Methods...
Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in open-set relation prediction and panoptic scene graph generation. Code is available at .Zhou, ZijianKing’s College LondonZhu, Zheng...
To standardize the SGG, I define scene graph generation as an RoI_Head. Referring to the design of other roi_heads like box_head, I put most of the SGG codes under maskrcnn_benchmark/modeling/roi_heads/relation_head and their calling sequence is as follows:...