To Kurowski on “Business in general is based on selling something at a price higher than what it is worth so that is not the real problem”. To me that is a non-competitive market. It may be pro-business, in the conservative discourse, but that is not what Adam Smith intended. ECONO...
Azure Site Recovery poskytuje zotavení po havárii pro virtuální počítače a komponenty clusteru kontejnerů. Služby, jako je Microsoft Entra ID, Azure Networking, Azure DevOps, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Databricks, GitHub a Power BI, jsou snadno integrované s modernizovan...
But again, your caveman is missing something, the US economy benefits immensely from the very exploitation in question, economists call these benefits the ‘demographic dividend’, and with more than half of all MNCs being based in the US, but doing more and more business overseas, they are g...