网络高浓度塑料导电母粒 网络释义 1. 高浓度塑料导电母粒 ...高浓度塑料导电母粒(SC-DDX) 所在地: 上海 上海市. 发布日期: 2010年05月26日. 公司介绍. 上海三呈高分子材料科技有限公 …|基于4个网页
A goat polyclonal antibody, raised against ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX42 (Human), supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology.
A goat polyclonal antibody, raised against ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX51 (Human), supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology.
DDX3 (DEAD box polypeptide 3) is involved in RNA metabolism. Two DDX3 paralogs are found in humans; DDX3X is encoded by a gene found on the X chromosome while DDX3Y is encoded by a gene on the Y chromo- some. DDX3Y is exclusively expressed in testis and is required for normal ...
The STA309A is a single chip solution for digital audio processing and control in multi-channel applications. It provides output capabilities for DDX®. In conjunction with a DDX® power device, the STA309A provides high-quality, high-efficiency, all digital amplification. The device is ...
DDX43 (DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 43), also known as CT13 or HAGE, is a 648 amino acid protein that contains one KH domain, one helicase C-terminal domain and one helicase ATP-binding domain and belongs to the DEAD-box family. Expressed in testis and present at abnormally...
7月15日,四川省卫生健康委在成都市举办了2020年紧密型县域医共体工作培训班,四川21个市(州)卫健委分管领导、相关科室负责人,37个试点县(市、区)卫生健康局主要负责人,62家医共体牵头医院院长近160人参加培训会。四川省卫生健康委党组成员、副主任赵汝鹏表示,推进医共体建设要聚焦“五大关键节点”...[详细] 硬...
在专题座谈会上,听取了代表、委员《关于加强我省公共卫生人才队伍建设的建议》《关于推进创建医养结合示范省有关工作的建议》的办理情况,并促使提办双方及有关各方充分沟通交流,切实找准“症结”、分析原因、研究对策,推进相关工作取得进展。杨兴平强调,...[详细] 四川推动医保“省内通办”、“川渝通办”和“跨省通...
(sc-109254)DDX40 (C-15) A polyclonal goat antibody, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, raised against Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX40 (Human). This product has been discontinued by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, but remains here on CiteAb for record purposes. ...
(sc-82856) DDX32 (C-15) A polyclonal goat antibody, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, raised against Putative pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX32 (Human).This product has been discontinued by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, but remains here on CiteAb for record purposes. ...